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Found 22630 results for any of the keywords borough council. Time 0.008 seconds.
Slough Borough Council – Slough Borough CouncilThe proposed changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting on 20 January.
People | Stafford Borough CouncilResidents are set to pay just 10p a week extra from April for the services Stafford Borough Council delivers.
Woking - WikipediaThe town is in the parliamentary constituency of Woking and has been represented at Westminster since July 2024 by Liberal Democrat Will Forster.
About us | Tech ICSTech ICS is involved working in web application development, eCommerce website development, web design and development, Banking software, ERP software, Accounting Software and CRM.
City of Wakefield - WikipediaThe district has a strong heritage of cricket with former Yorkshire and England captain Geoffrey Boycott born in Fitzwilliam and former Yorkshire and England cricketer Tim Bresnan from Pontefract.
Bedford - WikipediaBedford's first woman town councillor was Mary Milligan who, in 1919, was also the secretary of the local Women's Citizens League. 16 17
Home | Test Valley Borough CouncilPreview: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Guildford - WikipediaBurpham and Merrow are former villages that are now a major suburbs of Guildford.
A-Z of services | Stafford Borough CouncilLocal Elections - Thursday 4 May. For more information.
Births, deaths and ceremonies | Eastleigh Borough CouncilUse our cemetery search facility, find out where to register births and deaths in Eastleigh and information on the cemeteries in Eastleigh.
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